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概述对于Electron中进行Http请求,但是请求会被CSP屏蔽,显示 已屏蔽?

Version: 51 Target: Windows When you create a browser window with WebSecurity?

Oct 22, 2020 · Consider running Electron's app source file main. Each one offers slightly different functionality and is useful in different situations. ; Educate yourself on common security … Electron で開発する時、Electron はブラウザではないということを意識することが重要です。 使い慣れたウェブ技術を使用して、機能あふれるデスクトップアプリケーションを構築できま … Context Isolation is a feature that ensures that both your preload scripts and Electron's internal logic run in a separate context to the website you load in a webContents. 默认值为 true。 我们只需要在主进程的 new BrowserWindow() 方法中添加 webSecurity boolean (任意) - false のとき、同一オリジンポリシー (通常、テスト用Webサイトを使用します) が無効になり、ユーザによって設定されない場合、allowRunningInsecureContent が true に設定されます。 省略値は true です。 If you are not vigilant when building Electron apps, you will probably be placing the users of your app in tangible digital danger. This option can be overridden with the userAgent config option. totalsports tech If you want to embed (third-party) web content in an Electron BrowserWindow, there are three options available to you: <iframe> tags, <webview> tags, and WebContentsView. And because the app is being deployed from a file in the production build, local media works as intended. See our supported versions documentation If you're still experiencing this issue on a supported version, please open a new issue with an updated repro - a Fiddle is very appreciated Electron has a large issues backlog. With just a few clicks, you can have products delivered right to your doorstep. college football playoff bracket announcement standard boolean (可选) -默认为false; secure boolean (可选) - 默认为false Electron sharing is the sharing of the outermost electrons between two or more atoms without the complete transfer of electrons to form ions. If you haven’t started yet, consider the open source secure-electron-template by reZach on GitHub. js primitives from a remote untrusted origin, it does not … While Electron strives to support new versions of Chromium as soon as possible, developers should be aware that upgrading is a serious undertaking - involving hand-editing dozens or … Electron version: 20-beta. Turns out, you have to decode the url with decodeURIComponent(url) to avoid errors when file names include non-English UTF-8 characters or characters like #. Electronic media is media that uses electricity, including television, radio, the Internet, fax, CD-ROMs, DVDS and online video streaming. 1:9229。 Electron Security Checklist Use sandbox for untrusted origins While nodeIntegration tackles the problem of limiting access to Node. rons gone wrong mcdonalds toy app Similarly, we recommend the use of WSS over … In electron's Documentation for BrowserWindow you can use the object 'webPreferences' that comes along with a couple options, 'webSecurity' being one of them. ….

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